Dusty Quinn - New Zealand’s newest Physiotherapy Specialist

Dusty Quinn has been recognised as a Physiotherapy Specialist by Physiotherapy New Zealand.

On 13th June, BIM's very own Dusty Quinn was confirmed as New Zealand’s newest Physiotherapy Specialist. Dusty is now one of only 8 Physiotherapists that have achieved this status. The new title reflects recognition by Dusty’s peers, medical colleagues and the Physiotherapy Board of his expertise, leadership skills and involvement in research.

Since completing his Master’s degree in 1997 Dusty has continually strived to improve his understanding of musculoskeletal conditions and develop his treatment skills. Dusty has taught at the University of Otago on undergraduate and national post-graduate courses. Dusty also has been president of the New Zealand Manipulative Physiotherapy Association and has been vice-president of Physiotherapy New Zealand.

Dusty is currently carrying out research on cervical spine injury and concussion with his colleagues at the Physiotherapy school and to date 2 papers have been published. He has been on a consultation panel for ACC contract for Pain and the New Zealand Board for professional conduct committee.

Dusty plans to use this new title to become a resource for physiotherapists and other health care practitioners in assisting with reviewing rehab programmes. 
Dusty is proud to work in Dunedin and alongside many great health practitioners offering quality care to the Dunedin public.

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